Praise the Lord! I officially accepted my offer for AT&T's Retail Sales Leadership Development Program! I will be starting on May 5, and will be moving to Atlanta for the next 6 months to complete training. Upon the completion of training, I will be relocated to some city in the United States! While it is slightly unnerving to not know where I am going, it is very comforting to know that God already knows, and he is preparing a church home for me and new friends for me to meet!
The basics of the next 6 months are:
-13 weeks in Atlanta, GA for training
-6 weeks in an unknown city working at an AT&T store to apply my lessons
- 2 weeks as a sales person
- 1 week as the assistant manager
- 3 weeks as the store manager
-5 weeks back in Atlanta to complete the training, receive my store assignment, and come up with my game plan
At the end of the 6 months, I will be a store manager at an AT&T retail store, with the goal of moving to regional retail manager within 1 to 2 years. From there, the sky is the limit!
Thanks for all of your prayers and support during this process of finding a job. Please continue to pray for me as I prepare for this journey. Love you all!