My life is INSANE right now! Work is super crazy as I am preparing to go on my 6 week rotation to SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!!! We will be flying out Friday August 13th (not the day I would have picked) and getting to LAX around 5. My 8 classmates and I are all spread around the LA area, from Irvine to Pasadena, and from Santa Monica to Chino Hills. I will be in Chino Hills, which is about 18 miles from my grandparents, so I am really happy that I will have a chance to see them. We will be in CA for 6 weeks (we fly back September 26) where we will be in a sales position for 2 weeks, assistant manager for 1 week, and the store manager for 3 weeks. I will be working open to close 6 days a week, so I will appreciate all the prayer I can get! I will miss my family immensely, but when I get back from LA I will only have 27 days until I am done in Atlanta and I will be preparing to move...only God knows where! Which is rather comforting that He knows!
I was very lucky and got to go home to Knoxville last weekend and see my boys. I love spending time with them and enjoyed every second of that weekend. Especially getting to "Chillax" on the couch!
Mom and dad came to visit this weekend, and I got to eat some GOOD food! We went to the Coca-Cola factory today and had a really good time just being together. I love the fact that my parents spent their anniversary weekend with me since we hadn't been able to find another weekend that would work...that's love right there! I pretty much have the best parents on earth! Here are a few pictures from the Coca-Cola factory.

Mom at the Coca-Cola Factory
Dad and I are ready to watch the 4D movie!
I have been very blessed that I have been able to see Chris and my parents! I am SOOOO ready for rotation! Can't wait!