It has been waaay too long since I've posted. I know. Don't worry. I will be better this year! The past few months have been crazy! I hosted Thanksgiving for both my family and Chris's family. It was a great time of fellowship and really good food (if I do say so myself!).
The "adult" table

The "Kid" Table - We are all kinda wondering when we get to graduate to the adult table, since the youngest person at the table was 20!

Super cute decorations

Matt (Chris's Brother) and Zeppelin

During the first week of December, I had the privilege to go with Kim to the Ladies Christmas Tea at her church. It is a great time of Christian fellowship and all the tables are decorated for Christmas and are all different! It was a really fun day!

During December I made the decision to take a few weeks off work and spend them in Nashville with my family. It was a great relaxing time and I enjoyed being able to help my mom with so many things around the house. I cooked dinner every night, did lots of laundry, and spent some quality time with my grandparents, parents, and sister. During this time I also did a lot of soul searching and really focused on getting back to the basics with Christ. I am really excited to share some of the upcoming changes in my life, but that will be a later post. One night my mom, dad, and I went to Opryland Hotel to see all the Christmas lights. It is soooo pretty!

For the first time in 4 years, I was home for Michelle's birthday! It was great to celebrate her special day with her!

Michelle had found this awesome cake that had a filling in the shape of a heart. Her and mom started making it, ended up needing my help, and we learned alot about cooking this cake! Most importantly, purple food coloring and white frosting do NOT equal blue! Hahaha! It tasted really good though.

Chris and I spent Christmas Eve with his family. We had a great day of food, laughs, and presents!
Chris and Matt with some presents

We drove to Nashville to spend Christmas with my family. We woke up to a white Christmas!

Zeppelin in his jingle bell collar. He loved it.

Zeppelin was actually really good! He laid down and slept during most of the present opening. Much better than last year!

Opening awesome new dishes from Grandparents

On my birthday, Mom and Michelle came down to spend the day with me. I don't know why I don't have any pictures, but don't you worry. I will find them. I also got to see my BEST FRIEND who lives super far away in Michigan. It was great to get to see her!

I am so thankful for all of the time I got to spend with friends and family this Christmas season. I know that God has great plans for 2011 and I can't wait to see where He takes me!